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Sentences with high readability

The search option "easy sentences only", applies a filtering criterion to the data retrieved from the corpus. Sentences are filtered according to three criteria:

Advanced vocabulary

The non-basic vocabulary includes all words that are not contained in the "basic vocabulary" (about 7000 words) as defined by Tullio de Mauro.

Type-token ratio

The type-token ratio (TTR) is a percentage value that indicates the variety of different words used in a text. The higher the value the higher the variability of the vocabulary used in the text. The TTR is calculated by dividing the number of different words used in a text (types) by the number of words of a text (tokens) multiplied by 100.

Readability score "Gulpease Index"

The "Gulpease Index" is a measure that calculates the readability of a text based on the length of words (measured in number of letters), the number of words and the length of sentences.

A higher Gulpease score indicates higher readability of a text, with the following benchmarks defined:

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